AnCH Framework  0.1
Another C++ Hack Framework
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Canch::crypto::ANSIX923ANSI X.923 padding implementation
 Canch::crypto::Base64Base64 algorithm implementation
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipher< B >Block cipher interface
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipher< 16 >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< Derived, Cipher >Block cipher mode of operation interface
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CBC< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CFB< Cipher >, Cipher >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CTR< Cipher >, Cipher >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< ECB< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< OFB< Cipher >, Cipher >
 Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< PCBC< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher >
 Canch::sql::ConnectionSQL connection virtual class
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Canch::crypto::Hash< O, B >Hash algorithm abstract class
 Canch::crypto::Hash< 16, 64 >
 Canch::crypto::Hash< 20, 64 >
 Canch::crypto::ISO7816_4PaddingISO/IEC 7816-4 padding implementation
 Canch::LessPtrCompare< T >Less comparator based on object address
 Canch::events::Observable< Event >An observable implementation of the observers/observable design pattern
 Canch::events::Observable< anch::network::SocketEvent >
 Canch::events::Observer< Event >An observer interface of the observers/observable design pattern
 Canch::crypto::PKCS5PaddingPKCS5 padding implementation
 Canch::ResourcePool< T, C, make_ptr >Generic resource pool utility class
 Canch::sql::ResultSetSQL result representation
 Canch::Singleton< T >Meyers' singleton implemtation
 Canch::Singleton< CPU >
 Canch::Singleton< EventBus< Event > >
 Canch::Singleton< LoggerFactory >
 Canch::Singleton< MySQLInitializer >
 Canch::Singleton< SqlConnectionFactory >
 Canch::sql::SqlConnectionConfigurationSQL database connection configuration
 Canch::ThreadPoolThread pool utility class
 Canch::UuidUUID generator and parser
 Canch::crypto::ZeroPaddingZero padding implementation