Canch::crypto::ANSIX923 | ANSI X.923 padding implementation |
Canch::crypto::Base64 | Base64 algorithm implementation |
Canch::crypto::BlockCipher< B > | Block cipher interface |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipher< 16 > | |
Canch::crypto::AES< K, R > | AES block cipher algorithm implementation |
Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< Derived, Cipher > | Block cipher mode of operation interface |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CBC< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::CBC< Cipher, Padding > | Cipher-block chaining implementation |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CFB< Cipher >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::CFB< Cipher > | Cipher feedback implementation |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< CTR< Cipher >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::CTR< Cipher > | Counter implementation |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< ECB< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::ECB< Cipher, Padding > | Electronic codebook implementation |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< OFB< Cipher >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::OFB< Cipher > | Output feedback implementation |
►Canch::crypto::BlockCipherModeOfOperation< PCBC< Cipher, Padding >, Cipher > | |
Canch::crypto::PCBC< Cipher, Padding > | Propagating cipher-block chaining implementation |
Canch::resource::file::ConfigurationFileParser | |
►Canch::sql::Connection | SQL connection virtual class |
Canch::sql::MySQLConnection | MySQL connection |
Canch::sql::PostgreSQLConnection | PostgreSQL connection |
Canch::sql::SQLite3Connection | SQLite3 connection |
Canch::date::Date | |
Canch::date::DateFormatter | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
Canch::crypto::InvalidBlockException | Exception on receiving an invalid block |
Canch::device::DeviceException | |
Canch::file::FileException | |
Canch::network::IOException | |
Canch::resource::file::ResourceFileException | |
Canch::sql::SqlException | SQL exception |
Canch::TimeoutException | Timeout exception |
Canch::file::File | |
►Canch::crypto::Hash< O, B > | Hash algorithm abstract class |
Canch::crypto::SHA2< O, B, W, R, I > | SHA2 abstract class |
►Canch::crypto::SHA2< O, 128, uint64_t, 80, I > | |
Canch::crypto::SHA384_512< O, I > | SHA2 384/512 implementation |
►Canch::crypto::SHA2< O, 64, uint32_t, 64, I > | |
Canch::crypto::SHA224_256< O, I > | SHA2 224/256 implementation |
►Canch::crypto::Hash< 16, 64 > | |
Canch::crypto::MD5 | MD5 hash algorithm implementation |
►Canch::crypto::Hash< 20, 64 > | |
Canch::crypto::SHA1 | SHA1 hash algorithm implementation |
►Canch::date::formatter::IDatePartFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::ConstantFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::DayFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::Hour12Formatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::Hour24Formatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::MarkerFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::MillisecondFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::MinuteFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::MonthFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::SecondFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::Year2DFormatter | |
Canch::date::formatter::Year4DFormatter | |
►Canch::logger::formatter::IFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::AnchDateFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::CategoryFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::ConstFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::DateFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::LevelFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::StringFormatter | |
Canch::logger::formatter::ThreadIdFormatter | |
Canch::crypto::ISO7816_4Padding | ISO/IEC 7816-4 padding implementation |
Canch::LessPtrCompare< T > | Less comparator based on object address |
Canch::logger::Logger | |
Canch::logger::LoggerConfiguration | |
Canch::logger::formatter::MessageFormatter | |
Canch::device::Network | |
Canch::device::NetworkInterface | |
Canch::events::Observable< Event > | An observable implementation of the observers/observable design pattern |
►Canch::events::Observable< anch::network::SocketEvent > | |
►Canch::network::Socket | |
Canch::network::TcpSocket | |
Canch::network::UdpSocket | |
►Canch::events::Observer< Event > | An observer interface of the observers/observable design pattern |
Canch::events::EventHandler< Event, Derived > | An event handler |
Canch::crypto::PKCS5Padding | PKCS5 padding implementation |
Canch::resource::Resource | |
Canch::ResourcePool< T, C, make_ptr > | Generic resource pool utility class |
►Canch::sql::ResultSet | SQL result representation |
Canch::sql::MySQLResultSet | MySQL result set implementation |
Canch::sql::PostgreSQLResultSet | PostgreSQL result set implementation |
Canch::sql::SQLite3ResultSet | SQLite3 result set implementation |
Canch::resource::Section | |
Canch::Singleton< T > | Meyers' singleton implemtation |
►Canch::Singleton< CPU > | |
Canch::device::CPU | CPU features detection |
►Canch::Singleton< EventBus< Event > > | |
Canch::events::EventBus< Event > | A class which manage global events firing and events QoS |
►Canch::Singleton< LoggerFactory > | |
Canch::logger::LoggerFactory | Logger factory |
►Canch::Singleton< MySQLInitializer > | |
CMySQLInitializer | MySQL (un)initializer |
►Canch::Singleton< SqlConnectionFactory > | |
Canch::sql::SqlConnectionFactory | SQL connection factory |
Canch::network::SocketEvent | |
Canch::sql::SqlConnectionConfiguration | SQL database connection configuration |
Canch::ThreadPool | Thread pool utility class |
Canch::Uuid | UUID generator and parser |
►Canch::logger::Writer | |
Canch::logger::LowPriorityWriter | |
Canch::logger::ThreadSafeWriter | |
Canch::crypto::ZeroPadding | Zero padding implementation |