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AnCH Framework
Another C++ Hack Framework
▼Nanch | AnCH framework base namespace |
▼Ncrypto | Cryptography namespace |
CAES | AES block cipher algorithm implementation |
CANSIX923 | ANSI X.923 padding implementation |
CBase64 | Base64 algorithm implementation |
CBlockCipher | Block cipher interface |
CBlockCipherModeOfOperation | Block cipher mode of operation interface |
CCBC | Cipher-block chaining implementation |
CCFB | Cipher feedback implementation |
CCTR | Counter implementation |
CECB | Electronic codebook implementation |
CHash | Hash algorithm abstract class |
CInvalidBlockException | Exception on receiving an invalid block |
CISO7816_4Padding | ISO/IEC 7816-4 padding implementation |
CMD5 | MD5 hash algorithm implementation |
COFB | Output feedback implementation |
CPCBC | Propagating cipher-block chaining implementation |
CPKCS5Padding | PKCS5 padding implementation |
CSHA1 | SHA1 hash algorithm implementation |
CSHA2 | SHA2 abstract class |
CSHA224_256 | SHA2 224/256 implementation |
CSHA384_512 | SHA2 384/512 implementation |
CZeroPadding | Zero padding implementation |
▼Ndate | Date namespace |
▼Nformatter | Date formatter namespace |
CConstantFormatter | |
CDayFormatter | |
CHour12Formatter | |
CHour24Formatter | |
CIDatePartFormatter | |
CMarkerFormatter | |
CMillisecondFormatter | |
CMinuteFormatter | |
CMonthFormatter | |
CSecondFormatter | |
CYear2DFormatter | |
CYear4DFormatter | |
CDate | |
CDateFormatter | |
▼Ndevice | Device management namespace |
CCPU | CPU features detection |
CDeviceException | |
CNetwork | |
CNetworkInterface | |
▼Nevents | Events management namespace |
CEventBus | A class which manage global events firing and events QoS |
CEventHandler | An event handler |
CObservable | An observable implementation of the observers/observable design pattern |
CObserver | An observer interface of the observers/observable design pattern |
▼Nfile | Files and directories management namespace |
CFile | |
CFileException | |
▼Nlogger | Logger namespace |
▼Nformatter | Logger formatter internalnamespace |
CAnchDateFormatter | |
CCategoryFormatter | |
CConstFormatter | |
CDateFormatter | |
CIFormatter | |
CLevelFormatter | |
CMessageFormatter | |
CStringFormatter | |
CThreadIdFormatter | |
CLogger | |
CLoggerConfiguration | |
CLoggerFactory | Logger factory |
CLowPriorityWriter | |
CThreadSafeWriter | |
CWriter | |
▼Nnetwork | Network namespace |
CIOException | |
CSocket | |
CSocketEvent | |
CTcpSocket | |
CUdpSocket | |
▼Nresource | Resources namespace |
▼Nfile | File resources namespace |
CConfigurationFileParser | |
CResourceFileException | |
CResource | |
CSection | |
▼Nsql | SQL namespace |
CConnection | SQL connection virtual class |
CMySQLConnection | MySQL connection |
CMySQLResultSet | MySQL result set implementation |
CPostgreSQLConnection | PostgreSQL connection |
CPostgreSQLResultSet | PostgreSQL result set implementation |
CResultSet | SQL result representation |
CSqlConnectionConfiguration | SQL database connection configuration |
CSqlConnectionFactory | SQL connection factory |
CSqlException | SQL exception |
CSQLite3Connection | SQLite3 connection |
CSQLite3ResultSet | SQLite3 result set implementation |
CLessPtrCompare | Less comparator based on object address |
CResourcePool | Generic resource pool utility class |
CSingleton | Meyers' singleton implemtation |
CThreadPool | Thread pool utility class |
CTimeoutException | Timeout exception |
CUuid | UUID generator and parser |
CMySQLInitializer | MySQL (un)initializer |