AnCH Framework  0.1
Another C++ Hack Framework
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NanchAnCH framework base namespace
 NcryptoCryptography namespace
 CAESAES block cipher algorithm implementation
 CANSIX923ANSI X.923 padding implementation
 CBase64Base64 algorithm implementation
 CBlockCipherBlock cipher interface
 CBlockCipherModeOfOperationBlock cipher mode of operation interface
 CCBCCipher-block chaining implementation
 CCFBCipher feedback implementation
 CCTRCounter implementation
 CECBElectronic codebook implementation
 CHashHash algorithm abstract class
 CInvalidBlockExceptionException on receiving an invalid block
 CISO7816_4PaddingISO/IEC 7816-4 padding implementation
 CMD5MD5 hash algorithm implementation
 COFBOutput feedback implementation
 CPCBCPropagating cipher-block chaining implementation
 CPKCS5PaddingPKCS5 padding implementation
 CSHA1SHA1 hash algorithm implementation
 CSHA2SHA2 abstract class
 CSHA224_256SHA2 224/256 implementation
 CSHA384_512SHA2 384/512 implementation
 CZeroPaddingZero padding implementation
 NdateDate namespace
 NformatterDate formatter namespace
 NdeviceDevice management namespace
 CCPUCPU features detection
 NeventsEvents management namespace
 CEventBusA class which manage global events firing and events QoS
 CEventHandlerAn event handler
 CObservableAn observable implementation of the observers/observable design pattern
 CObserverAn observer interface of the observers/observable design pattern
 NfileFiles and directories management namespace
 NloggerLogger namespace
 NformatterLogger formatter internalnamespace
 CLoggerFactoryLogger factory
 NnetworkNetwork namespace
 NresourceResources namespace
 NfileFile resources namespace
 NsqlSQL namespace
 CConnectionSQL connection virtual class
 CMySQLConnectionMySQL connection
 CMySQLResultSetMySQL result set implementation
 CPostgreSQLConnectionPostgreSQL connection
 CPostgreSQLResultSetPostgreSQL result set implementation
 CResultSetSQL result representation
 CSqlConnectionConfigurationSQL database connection configuration
 CSqlConnectionFactorySQL connection factory
 CSqlExceptionSQL exception
 CSQLite3ConnectionSQLite3 connection
 CSQLite3ResultSetSQLite3 result set implementation
 CLessPtrCompareLess comparator based on object address
 CResourcePoolGeneric resource pool utility class
 CSingletonMeyers' singleton implemtation
 CThreadPoolThread pool utility class
 CTimeoutExceptionTimeout exception
 CUuidUUID generator and parser
 CMySQLInitializerMySQL (un)initializer